Hi David,
there is no such command for color images in ImageJ. Thresholding color
images is more complex.
In your situation (Task: select value 255/255/0 where others can only be
0/255/0 or 255/0/0) I would prefer to create a gray scale image and work
on this.
ImageProcessor ip2 = imp.getProcessor().convertToByteProcessor();
ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("Gray", ip2);
to create a 8bit image with the weights wR/wG/wB = 1/1/1.
On 05.11.2015 11:32, davek604 wrote:
> Hello
> I am writing a plugin where I have an image that has been constructed from 2
> binary masks. The masks were coloured green (000,255,00) and red
> (255,000,000) so where there is overlap I get yellow (255,255,000) I want to
> automatically set the RGB threshold to select the yellow but I can find no
> command in the API for doing this on colour images. For grey scale I use the
> command IJ.setThreshold(imp,lowThresholdValue,HighThresholdValue)
> Unfortunately I can't find a colour version of this command. Any help
> greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> David
> --
> View this message in context:
http://imagej.1557.x6.nabble.com/Set-color-threshold-tp5014850.html> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
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