Sigh, never mind, I spent some more quality time with the ImagePlus and
CompositeImage source and figured out how it works. A bit confusing for
a newb but I've got it now. Sorry for the unnecessary emails.
Junkshops wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to programatically manipulate a CompositeImage in
> Jython. Some class methods operate on the current channel:
> getChannelColor(), setDisplayRange() and setChannelLut(), for example.
> However, I can't find any way to actually set the current channel.
> CompositeImage.currentChannel is only accessible to code in the same
> package, and there are no methods to change it. Even the code in
> ContrastAdjuster just calls ImagePlus.setPosition() rather than
> setting the current channel.
> Hence, if I want to programatically set channel colors in a
> CompositeImage, how the heck do I do it?
> Thanks.