Significance and Meaning of Colors in Color Palettes (LUT)

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Significance and Meaning of Colors in Color Palettes (LUT)

Mukul Lanke
Dear All,

I am a user of ImageJ Dicom-Viewer and am using the Color-Palette feature (Lookup Tables) in it. I just want to know the meaning of these color palettes in detail. That is, in a particular color-palette (like Spectrum for example) what is the meaning of each color used in this palette ? That is, what does every color (like red, blue, orange, etc.) in that palette indicate ?

I am particularly interested in understanding the significance of colors in following palettes:
1. HotIron
2. GE
3. Rainbow
4. Spectrum
5. Ice
6. Multi
7. Grey
8. HotGreen
9. Fire
10. Heart

Thanking you in advance.

Mukul Lanke

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Re: Significance and Meaning of Colors in Color Palettes (LUT)

Christian Goosmann-2
Dear Mukul,
that might just be a truly philosophical question ;-). But in technical
terms, each color in the look up table is a combination of three numbers
that tell the machine how intense the red, green and blue pixel on your
screen are to light up. The look up table assigns all numbers between 0
and 255 one combination. If you want to know what a color in a LUT
indicates, you can hover over an area with that color in an 8-bit image
using that LUT and read the value in the status bar of ImageJ. The color
just indicates a value. Same values always have same colors, but some
colors might sometimes have several values, e.g. all values between 0
and 6 might look the same kind of black. With the LUT assigned to the
Image, go to 'Image>Color>Show LUT' and look at a diagram that shows,
how the LUT assigns the colors to the 0-255-scale. Press 'List' on the
diagram window to see a table of the LUT.

Christian Goosmann
Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 28460 388

Mukul Lanke wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am a user of ImageJ Dicom-Viewer and am using the Color-Palette feature (Lookup Tables) in it. I just want to know the meaning of these color palettes in detail. That is, in a particular color-palette (like Spectrum for example) what is the meaning of each color used in this palette ? That is, what does every color (like red, blue, orange, etc.) in that palette indicate ?
> I am particularly interested in understanding the significance of colors in following palettes:
> 1. HotIron
> 2. GE
> 3. Rainbow
> 4. Spectrum
> 5. Ice
> 6. Multi
> 7. Grey
> 8. HotGreen
> 9. Fire
> 10. Heart
> Thanking you in advance.
> --
> Regards,
> Mukul Lanke
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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