Sorting an Array according to a sub-string

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Sorting an Array according to a sub-string

Pascal Lorentz-2
Dear list

I am working on a macro and struggle with sorting a file list.

I have a file list like this:
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z01_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z01_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z02_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z02_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z00_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z00_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z01_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z01_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z02_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z02_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z00_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z00_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z01_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z01_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z02_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z02_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z00_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z00_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z01_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z01_ch01.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z02_ch00.tif
channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z02_ch01.tif
I read these files into an array. If I sort the array it is of course
sorted by _t0, _t1, _t2 etc. However I would like to sort it by _s0,
_s1. _s2 instead. I was wondering if there is a direct way to sort an
array according to a specific sub-string. I read out all the indices in
order to be able to extract a sub-string.
Alternatively could I maybe cut out the _t1 sub-string and add it at the
end of the filename to get _s0_z00_ch00_t0.tif and then resort the
array? I already tried this but was not able to do it for a whole array.
Could somebody help me with this?

Any help is highly appreciated

Best regards


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Re: Sorting an Array according to a sub-string

Good day Pascal,

not sure if this is the most elegant way but these macro code lines will
do the conversion for a single file name (watch for line breaks):

fName = "channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch00.tif";
idx = indexOf(fName, "_t"); // start
strA = split(substring(fName, idx+3),".");
fName = substring(fName, 0, idx)+strA[0]+substring(fName, idx,
idx+3)+"."+strA[1]; // end

You need too loop through the elements of your array and put the three
central macro lines in this loop.



Am 26.04.18 um 10:12 schrieb Pascal Lorentz:

> Dear list
> I am working on a macro and struggle with sorting a file list.
> I have a file list like this:
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z02_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z02_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z02_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z02_ch01.tif
> ...
> I read these files into an array. If I sort the array it is of course
> sorted by _t0, _t1, _t2 etc. However I would like to sort it by _s0,
> _s1. _s2 instead. I was wondering if there is a direct way to sort an
> array according to a specific sub-string. I read out all the indices in
> order to be able to extract a sub-string.
> Alternatively could I maybe cut out the _t1 sub-string and add it at the
> end of the filename to get _s0_z00_ch00_t0.tif and then resort the
> array? I already tried this but was not able to do it for a whole array.
> Could somebody help me with this?
> Any help is highly appreciated
> Best regards
> Pascal
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: Sorting an Array according to a sub-string

Jan Eglinger
In reply to this post by Pascal Lorentz-2
Hi Pascal,

If you're up to using some scripting language [1] other than IJ1 Macro,
you could do the following (mind the line breaks introduced by the mailer):

* in Groovy:

array = array.sort{a,b -> a.substring(a.indexOf("_s")) <=>
array.each {println it}

* in Python:

sorted_array = sorted(array, key=lambda x: x.split('_s')[-1])
print ("\n".join(sorted_array))

Hope that helps.


On 26.04.2018 10:12, Pascal Lorentz wrote:

> Dear list
> I am working on a macro and struggle with sorting a file list.
> I have a file list like this:
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s0_z02_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s1_z02_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t0_s2_z02_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z00_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z00_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z01_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z01_ch01.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z02_ch00.tif
> channels und stacks.lif_TileScan 2_t1_s0_z02_ch01.tif
> ...
> I read these files into an array. If I sort the array it is of course
> sorted by _t0, _t1, _t2 etc. However I would like to sort it by _s0,
> _s1. _s2 instead. I was wondering if there is a direct way to sort an
> array according to a specific sub-string. I read out all the indices in
> order to be able to extract a sub-string.
> Alternatively could I maybe cut out the _t1 sub-string and add it at the
> end of the filename to get _s0_z00_ch00_t0.tif and then resort the
> array? I already tried this but was not able to do it for a whole array.
> Could somebody help me with this?
> Any help is highly appreciated
> Best regards
> Pascal
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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