Specify ROI Spreadsheet Help

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Specify ROI Spreadsheet Help

Ray Wery-2
I am trying to specify a large number of small adjacent ROI's in a
rectangular array on a DICOM image using the specify-roi.xls spreadsheet
that is linked in the documentation of the Specify ROI Function.


When I paste a macro text script from a single cell in column I of the
spreadsheet in a new macro window (Plugin/New/Macro) , and run by
cntr-r, I get a "Unrecognized Command Specify ROI" error.  


Specify ROI runs fine if I run via Edit/Selection/Specify.


Am I doing something wrong?

Can anyone suggest another way of generating an array of ROI's?






Ray Wery, M.S., D.A.B.R.

Medical Physicist / Radiation Safety Officer

Aspirus Wausau Hospital

Wausau, WI