Stack commands not respecting the current ROI

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Stack commands not respecting the current ROI

Stein Rørvik
Most commands in the Stack menu are applicable to sub-parts of the stacks,
that is, you select an ROI and then the command only applies to that ROI.

As far as I can see it works correctly with these commands:

                run("3D Project...",
                run("Plot Z-axis Profile");
                run("Reslice [/]...",
                run("Make Substack...",

However, some commands fails to recognize the ROI and processes the entire XY extent of the stack.

The following commands fails to recognize the current ROI:

                run("Grouped Z Project...",
                run("Z Project...",
                run("Make Montage...",

Is this intentional, or is it a bug?

I am using daily build ImageJ 1.51s on Windows 7 64-bit.


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