Paul, StackReg can be called from a macro. You can use a simple macro that
remembers the current LUT, runs StackReg, and restores the LUT :
macro "StackReg with LUT [F1]"{
run("StackReg ", "transformation=[Rigid Body]");
On Jan 22, 2008 1:05 PM, Paul Wieringa <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm a recent ImageJ convert using ImageJ to manipulate *.lsm stack files
> (the Carl Zeiss LSM file format). My images are of FITC-labelled neurons.
> I'm currently trying to use stackReg, which appears to work beautifully
> for
> alignment. However, it does not return my stack to the original colour.
> I've read on the stackreg website that the conversion to a grayscale image
> is expected (necessary for alignment?) but that the colour is then
> supposed
> to be changed back to the original. In my case, this last step is
> evidently
> not happening.
> Has anyone experienced anything similar? Any suggestions? I've looked at
> the
> code, but would really prefer to not have to try and hack this plugin -
> it's
> a bit intimidating.
> Any help greatly appreciated!
> Regards,
> Paul Wieringa