To: ImageJ Interest Group <
[hidden email]>
Has anyone implemented a stereological nucleator probe with an ImageJ macro?
The nucleator is used to estimate the volume of a particle such as a cell,
and then the mean volume of a population of particles or cells.
If no one has, would someone be willing to help me implement one?
The idea of the nucleator to place three to five rays starting at the
arbitrary point within a cell, perhaps the nucleolus. The rays represent
randomly oriented lines in the 3-D world. Of course if the tissue is cut
in a standard plane, mistakes could be made if the cells have an
orientation. For example they might a set of long spindle-shaped cells in a
The tissue orientation must be randomized for different blocks.
Usually, in order to achieve the required randomness, each block of tissue
rolled or rotated and the tissue is cut in whatever orientation the tissue
block ends up.
I would like to do something a bit different. I would like to collect a
stack of TIFF images from brain tissue cut in the coronal plane, crop the
so it holds a single cell, rotate/re-slice the stack by a random amount,
and then apply the nucleator probe.
Repeat until an adequate number of cells have been measured.
Does this sound feasible?
Bob Nienhuis
UCLA / VA Medical Center