Hi Joao
Ignacio has a nice skeleton analysis plugin that might do what you want:
http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:analysis:analyzeskeleton:startI've been hacking at it to customise it for my purposes, so if it
doesn't do quite what you want, drop me a line off-list.
Joao Curdia wrote:
> Dear ImageJ users and developers
> I have actively searched for a tool that classifies a binary skeleton
> according to Strahler (used in hidrology). I would like to estimate the
> number of branches for each order of a branching structure (gorgonian
> coral). Does anyone have a clue on how can I do it?
> I have managed to estimate the number of terminal branches using Gabriel
> Landini's plugins:
> skeleton -> connectivity -> three duplicates -> dup1 threshold 2:2 (terminal
> branches) -> dup2 threshold 3:3 (segments of branches or branches) -> dup3
> threshold 4:4 (bifurcations) -> testim Process:Image Calculator im1=dup1
> Operation OR im2=dup2 -> morhology plugin BinaryReconstruct mask=testim
> seed=dup1
> this works for the order 1 branches but I haven´t figured out how to manage
> to separate the other orders. My scripting skills are very limited.
> Any ideas are welcome
> Thanks for your time
> Joao