Strange behavior when using Open Next on sample images

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Strange behavior when using Open Next on sample images

Stein Rørvik
A bug appears when using the Open Next menu choice when the images in the folder are of dissimilar types.

Try this:

- Cache the sample images if you did not already do so.

- Open the FluorescentCells image.

- Use menu choice "Open Next" (or shortcut ctrl-shift-O); the next image from the list is ImageWithOverlay.
(Open Next apparently follows a case sensitive sorting).

- Use menu choice "Duplicate".
There is a "Duplicate hyperstack" choice, but this image is not an hyperstack (but FluorescentCells was).
The result image is all red. Appararently the RGB channels hyperstack image type got stuck from the previous image.

- If you continue to use "Open Next" the following images also are of the wrong type,
except for the NileBend jpeg which is correctly interpreted as a RGB image.

I am using daily build ImageJ 1.52f with Java 1.6 on Windows 7/64-bit.


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Re: Strange behavior when using Open Next on sample images

Wayne Rasband-2
> On Aug 20, 2018, at 6:28 AM, Stein Rørvik <[hidden email]> wrote:
> A bug appears when using the Open Next menu choice when the images in the folder are of dissimilar types.

The latest ImageJ daily build (1.52f29) fixes a bug in the File>Open Next command that caused it to not correctly open a non-composite image after having opened a composite image.


> Try this:
> - Cache the sample images if you did not already do so.
> - Open the FluorescentCells image.
> - Use menu choice "Open Next" (or shortcut ctrl-shift-O); the next image from the list is ImageWithOverlay.
> (Open Next apparently follows a case sensitive sorting).
> - Use menu choice "Duplicate".
> There is a "Duplicate hyperstack" choice, but this image is not an hyperstack (but FluorescentCells was).
> The result image is all red. Appararently the RGB channels hyperstack image type got stuck from the previous image.
> - If you continue to use "Open Next" the following images also are of the wrong type,
> except for the NileBend jpeg which is correctly interpreted as a RGB image.
> I am using daily build ImageJ 1.52f with Java 1.6 on Windows 7/64-bit.
> Stein
> --
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