I was not having much luck looking online so was hoping someone had done this before.
We are doing some laser interferometry work and want to or able to subtract an image from a real time view from a camera. Has anyone done this before? It's maybe not an image problem but more hardware/interface related but was hoping to get some pointers. For info the camera is a Guppy and reads to a FireWire card
Thanks in advance
Professor J.C. Knowles BSc(hons), PhD, FIMMM, CEng, FRSC, CSci
Professor of Biomaterials Science
Head of Division of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering,
UCL Eastman Dental Institute,
University College London,
256 Gray's Inn Road,<x-apple-data-detectors://0/0>
London WC1X 8LD<x-apple-data-detectors://0/0>. UK.
Telephone +44 (0) 20 3456 1189<tel:+44%20(0)%2020%203456%201189>
Fax +44 (0) 20 3456 1227<tel:+44%20(0)%2020%203456%201227>
Mobile 07785 313615<tel:07785%20313615>
Skype address: jknowles_edi
Editor, Journal of Biomaterials Applications
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