Superposition/ Temporal-color coding

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Superposition/ Temporal-color coding

Hello all

I want to superimpose a time series image so that regions of greater overlap are darker compared to those with fewer overlap or no overlap.

What I seem to have found is that temporal-color coding does not give information of overlap, as the new color overwrites on the previous one. Is there a way I can use this plugin or any others to superimpose time series where overlap region gets darker with increasing degree of overlap?

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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Re: Superposition/ Temporal-color coding

Olivier Burri
Hi Sahara,

srai wrote
I want to superimpose a time series image so that regions of greater overlap are darker compared to those with fewer overlap or no overlap.
Wouldn't The Z Projection using "Standard Deviation" give you that information.

If a region does not change much, then it has a low standard deviation and will thus be darker.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Superposition/ Temporal-color coding

Hello Oli

Thanks for your reply.
None of the Z stack options do what I was aiming for. Temporal color coding is the closest but does not give overlap information. Sorry if I am repeating myself.

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Re: Superposition/ Temporal-color coding

Olivier Burri
Hello again,

>Thanks for your reply.
None of the Z stack options do what I was aiming for. Temporal color coding
is the closest but does not give overlap information.

In that case why not use:
1. Z Projection with Standard Deviation to get the overlap information you want and normalize it
2. Do a Temporal Color Coding like before

Multiply Image 2. by Image 1. That might get you closer to what you want

The other thing would be to use subtractive colors rather than additive ones, but I don't think it's possible in ImageJ