Synchronize windows at different z levels?

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Synchronize windows at different z levels?

Brian Sloan
As far as I can see, the z-level part of the synchronize windows command simply passes the z level from one window to the other. Is it possible to synchronize so that a given offset in z levels is maintained between the open windows?

I am looking at using ImageJ to view DICOM image stacks  of ophthalmology OCT scans. The stacks are all the same height (usually 128) but are often not perfectly registered, so scan 34 in one set may correspond most closely to scan 42 in the next. If you synchronize these windows and then scroll through, the current behaviour is to set both windows to scan 35. The behaviour I want is for Window 1 to go to scan 35 and Window 2 to go to scan 43.

I have no particular expertise in Java, but I'm happy to have a crack at it if someone can point me in the right direction.

Many thanks

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