Thanks. I tried different way to do it. Use \t in a string, or using
Unicode for tab, or using Macro function fromCharCode(value1, ..value n)
which takes unicode value and returns a string. None of them works. It all
shows space. Anyway, I find alternative way to produce a neat table by
using setResult("Column",row,value) function in Macro Language which puts
tab between values.
At 03:40 PM 8/8/2005, you wrote:
>I haven't used the macro language, but in Java you use \t for tab and \n
>for new line.
>Look up escape characters for the macro language if that doesn't work
>(but it probably will).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ye
>Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:09 PM
[hidden email]
>Subject: Tab didn't work in Macro
>I am writing a Macro. I found the tab character could not show up using
>function print() or write(). Instead it is a space. Is there anyone
>how to fix it in Macro. So the tab character can show up in either
>Window or Log Window?