Tab didn't work in Macro

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Tab didn't work in Macro

Ye Chen

I am writing a Macro. I found the tab character could not show up using the
function print() or write(). Instead it is a space. Is there anyone knowing
how to fix it in Macro. So the tab character can show up in either Result
Window or Log Window?

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Re: Tab didn't work in Macro

Ludgate, David
I haven't used the macro language, but in Java you use \t for tab and \n
for new line.
Look up escape characters for the macro language if that doesn't work
(but it probably will).

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ye
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:09 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Tab didn't work in Macro


I am writing a Macro. I found the tab character could not show up using
function print() or write(). Instead it is a space. Is there anyone
how to fix it in Macro. So the tab character can show up in either
Window or Log Window?

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Re: Tab didn't work in Macro

Ye Chen
Thanks. I tried different way to do it. Use \t in a string, or using
Unicode for tab, or using Macro function fromCharCode(value1, ..value n)
which takes unicode value and returns a string. None of them works. It all
shows space. Anyway, I find alternative way to produce a neat table by
using setResult("Column",row,value) function in Macro Language which puts
tab between values.


At 03:40 PM 8/8/2005, you wrote:

>I haven't used the macro language, but in Java you use \t for tab and \n
>for new line.
>Look up escape characters for the macro language if that doesn't work
>(but it probably will).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ye
>Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:09 PM
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Tab didn't work in Macro
>I am writing a Macro. I found the tab character could not show up using
>function print() or write(). Instead it is a space. Is there anyone
>how to fix it in Macro. So the tab character can show up in either
>Window or Log Window?