On Jul 12, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Michael Schmid wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Image>Overlay>To ROI Manager makes individual ROIs from the text
> overlays.
> You can then move them (check 'Edit Mode') and, using the Text tool,
> delete from the end or append to the end of the text currently selected.
> I have not figured out whether one can convert the list of ROIs back
> to overlays with a single command - a simple macro looping through
> the ROI Manager items should do.
You can convert a list of ROIs in the ROI Manager to an overlay by using the Image>Overlay>From ROI Manager command.
> On 11 Jul 2011, at 21:48, alexwatson wrote:
>> I am trying to create a plug-in with an option to add multiple
>> TextROIs to an
>> image. I want the ROIs to be able to be moved independently of
>> each other.
>> I want it to be like the text tool, except I would like to make the
>> text
>> remain movable and editable. Does anyone know an easy way?