Five years ago I learned of an algorithm that might help enhance rock
art images. I have a background in medical imaging so I naturally
selected ImageJ as the platform for my plugin which I called DStretch_.
Now DStretch is being used by archaeologists and enthusiasts all over
the world. It uses a decorrelation stretch algorithm to enhance faint
colors, for instance in a photo of a pictograph site. It is being used
in US, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, France, Italy, Egypt,
Sudan, Tanzania, South Africa, Australia, that I know of. Last year I
received the Oliver award from the American Rock Art Research
Association for DStretch. For more info on DStretch see www.DStretch.com.
Over the years I have always got excellent answers to my questions on
this list. This has helped me a great deal. Thanks very much to Wayne
Rasband and the ImageJ community.