On 18/11/13 19:02, Xiaoxiong Xing wrote:
> I have an image that is 2048*2048. When I run the following macros:
> makeRectangle(304, 304, 1450, 1450);
> run("Crop");
> it then results in an image of 1450*1450. Why not (1450-303)*(1450-303)?
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.htmlHi Xing,
The second pair of parameters are the width and height of the ROI
rectangle you make, hence when the image is cropped, you get a new image
starting at pixel 304,304 in the original - with width and height of 1450.
Hope that helps,
Ed Simmons
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