Threshold methods, how to choose suitable one?

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Threshold methods, how to choose suitable one?

Sarah Mohamed

I would like to ask about the suitable choice for threshold method to quantify the area fraction of brown color.

I have H/DAB images for treated groups. I need to use a method that is least subjective, gives consistent results meaning if i use it several times gives the exact same area fraction.

There are several methods:

1, Image>>adjust>>threshold, moving brightness and hue sliders to get 2 areas then divide them to get area fraction.

2. Image>>color>>split. choose green chanel. Image>>adjust>>threshold>>clt+M


Image.. Plugins..threshold color...move saturation slider to select ROI..close plugin..image..type...8bits..image..adjust...t hreshold..clt+M.

I know there may be other methods for color segmentation but thats all i know. I cant use color deconvolution as i cant do background correction calculation ...i am just a pharmacologist.

Thanks in advance.
Sarah M.Mosaad, M.Sc.

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