Threshold problems 2

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Threshold problems 2

Leila Alieh
I'm not sure you reached this message. If you did, I'm sorry for
repeating...but I really hope someone can help me soon.

"Hello Curtis,

thank you very much for your help!
I studied the link you suggested me but I still have some problem. When I
run the Auto Threshold I get an image with colour satured particles (the
cells I'm interested in) on a black background (or on the original image in
the montage when I run the "Try all" option), I don't get a black on white
mask as I was used to.
But the main thing is that when I select a specific method and then I
select "Analyze particles" and I choose and appropriate size range I get an
error message:

"No particles were detected. The assumed thredhold (0-0) may not be correct"

If I don't choose the size range it counts something near the image borders
but not he selected particles (I checked with the outlines).
I tried also to select the algorithm in normal Threshold. In this case it
works, I get the mask and it measures the selected particles, but the
thresold value is different than the one obtained with the same algorithm
in the Auto Threshold method, is it normal?
Once I have chosen the algorithm can I include it in the macro and run it
automatically? How should I do?
Then I will also need to measure the entire area of my cut images. Does
someone already developed a macro for this? if not do you have any

Thank you very much!!!"

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