Dear imageJ users,
I have been previously working on Doppler ult
Dear imageJ users,
I have been previously working on Doppler ultrasound evaluation of resistance indices (as pulsatility index) and velocities through fetal arterial vessels and I have tried to evaluate flow through an arterial vessel but it shows differences if it is calculated in systole or diastole. This is why I would like to know if it would be possible to calculate flow through an arterial vessel evaluating flow motion from an ultrasound color or power Doppler video sequence. Of course I should have calculated resistance indices and velocities previous to this kind of analysis. I have tried some plugins but they seem not useful for this purpose. Thanks in advance for your help.
Jesús Andrés Benavides Serralde
Instituto Nacional de Perinatología - INPer -
(Mexican National Institute of Perinatal Medicine)
Dept. of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Fetal Medicine Research Unit.
México D.F.
Phone: +52 55 55209900 ext. 480 - 112 - 114.
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