Troubles with Image Sequence Import Macro

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Troubles with Image Sequence Import Macro

 Hi all.

First, I'm french and not that used to write in english, so don't mind my mistakes.

I'm trying to write a very dumb macro on Fiji, in order to import folders containing only .tif files.

So far I wrote few simples macros which worked, but I'm stuck here.

Here is my code :

run("Close All");
dir1 = getDirectory("Choose Root Image Folder");

dirSaveMovies = dir1 + "Movies";
if (File.exists(dirSaveMovies)){} else {File.makeDirectory(dirSaveMovies);}

dir2 = dir1 + "RawData" + File.separator;
list2 = getFileList(dir2);

//for (i=0; i<=(list2.length - 1); i++) {
for (i=0; i<=0; i++) {
        run("Image Sequence...", "open=list2[i] convert use");

My major problem is that the Image Sequence import never occured...

If someone has an idea, I'll be thankful.

Cheers for France