USB IO boards

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USB IO boards

Peter Stierlen
Dear members,

as announced in my last mail I realized the stepper control of my
selfmade 3d scanner via USB. I bought the following USB IO units: ELV
USB stepper interface USI, ELV USB IO interfaceboard and the Velleman
USB experiment board K8055.
Up to now I had only time to get the K8055 running with my imagej
plugin. In my opinion the K8055 is the fastest and easiest way to adapt
hardware via USB.
The Java driver *TWUsb.dll *works also fine with vista.

Code is very simple

import de.wenzlaff.twusb.schnittstelle.TWUsb;
import de.wenzlaff.twusb.schnittstelle.exception.TWUsbException;


The K8055 is combined with two microstep driver SMC11 from Nanotec. This
drivers can realize 1/8 steps with up to 1,4 A and only need the
direction and the timing signal.

But I also have the ELV units here on my table and want to make them
running too. The first tests were deflating. Is anybody working with one
of this units under Java. Both are based on ftdichip technology
( There are also two links to Java projects. I
tried both ... without succes. I hope that I can work on that in 3
weeks. Any others trying to run the ftdichips with Imagej/Java ?

Best regards
