Unable to Open 32 bit Real TIF file from within macro

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Unable to Open 32 bit Real TIF file from within macro

Dan McDonald
Dear List,


I have some ".ibw" image files from an Optical Coherence Tomography
instrument.  I can open this file just fine with IMPORT> RAW. (I know the
file type, the dimensions, the offset and the number of layers.)


There are 1000 layers of 32-bit-real images.  The total file size is just


I saved the file as a Tif stack.  I can open the stack from ImageJ with the
OPEN command.  


I can't, however, open the file from within a macro.


I get an "Opener" error : "File is not in a supported format, a reader
plugin is not available, or it was not found.  Stack1_transpose.tif"


My macro is using the open(path/Stack1_transpose.tif) command.


I am not sure why I can open it manually but not within a macro.


Can anyone give me insight into this?


Best regards,




Daniel W. McDonald,

Co-founder and President,

Phenotype Screening Corporation,

4028 Papermill Road, Suite 10,

Knoxville, TN 37909

(865) 385-8641 cell

(865) 694-9459 office

[hidden email]

daniel.w.mcdonald1 on Skype



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