Hello Gerald,
The best tool I've found for manipulating TIFF header information is "ExifTool" by Phil Harvey at
http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/Its a free, open source, command line tool that can be used in batch mode to read and write
all kinds of metadata in folders full of TIFF based image files.
Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix.
Harry Parker
Senior Systems Engineer
Digital Imaging Systems, Inc.
----- Original Message ----
From: Gerald Ruiner Torgersen <
[hidden email]>
[hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:15:52 AM
Subject: Units in tiff-file: inch to cm
Hi everyone!
Maybe somebody can help me: I am scanning some X-rays on an Epson scanner using
the Silverfast software. In the header information in the files (Image - Properties in
ImageJ) the unit of length is stored in inches. Here in Norway we use the SI metric
system, so I would like to measure in e.g. cm. I can just change the inch to cm in
the "Unit of length" field, and everything works fine (the pixel size is then changed
to the right metric value). What I would like to do is to set the unit of length automatically
to cm, either in ImageJ or some kind of free batch-converting program.
I have also tried to change the DPI to DPCM in the Silverfast software, but the header was
still in inches.
Thank you for any suggestions.
Gerald R. Torgersen
Det odontologiske fakultet / Faculty of Dentistry
Universitetet i Oslo / University of Oslo
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