Update on Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree... and thanks Johannes

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Update on Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree... and thanks Johannes

Gilbert Bigras-2
Thomas Boudier provided me feedback on this EMST plugin. Now one possible output is a skeletonized graphic which can be utilized as input for Analyze Skeleton plugin
Utility is unknown but it might be interesting to further characterized the EMST with number of end-points, number of junction etc.

On a separate note:
Thank you Johannes for your tremendous contribution with the FIJI project

   Gilbert Bigras, M.D., Ph.D., FRCPC (Path)

Medical Lead Edmonton Zone Immunohistochemistry Laboratory
Associate Clinical Professor
 Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
 University of Alberta, Canada

Cross Cancer Institute
11560 University Avenue Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 1Z2
 Phone: 780-432-8445 Fax: 780-432-8455

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