Updating FIJI. @Curtis

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Updating FIJI. @Curtis

Anovitz, Lawrence {Larry} M.
I recently sent a post to this forum about a problem calculating the fractal dimension of a 3D object in BoneJ
The discussion was posted at


The problem was that the file itself was too big, and the problem, apparently originating in ImageJ2, was listed as fixed on Jan 7,

However, I have had no luck getting a new version of FIJI to install that has this correction included.
The updater claims that all of the FIJI files are up to date

I've done two things

1) under help, selected Update ImageJ.  This updated me from 1.52i to 1.52k

2)under help, selected update, and checkede that the FIJI updater update.fiji.sc was selected

ImageJ is also selected, although I had to use approach (1) to update ImageJ. Java-8 is selected but Fiji-legacy is not

Selecting about ImageJ under File says I am running

Version 2.0.0-rc-69/1.52k
Build: 269a0ad53f
Date: 2018-12-04T11:30:09+0000

So the date looks old, but I can't see another way to force FIJI or ImageJ to update


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