Hello all,
I'm interested in assessing microsite heterogeneity in photographs of grassland sites. I was thinking that the lacunarity described in the FracLac manual seems perfect. I'd like my end result to be some sort of general metric that I could use to rank photos based on heterogeneity or at most, the scale of heterogeneity. Does anyone have any experience with this?
After fooling with the program and working through the manual I am thinking that the best metric to compare heterogeneity between images might be to compare the slope of the plot of lacunarity versus box size. Am I on the right track? I'm not sure how to determine this slope, I'm getting a slew of plots, which I assume are for each of the box sizes, but its unclear to me how to get an average.
Thank you for any feed back on this, or any suggestions of other methods to try.
Kara Moore
Post doctoral researcher
Department of Evolution and Ecology
University of California, Davis