Thank you so much Michael for your response. However, the problem I am still facing is that the resulting image C is very dark with no features. For your information Images A and B are 16 bit. I am just wondering if there is any other conversion I need to do inorder to see the feature of image B without the background A. regards Godfrey
On Friday, 27 March 2015, 12:53, Michael Schmid <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Godfrey,
when dividing images with Process>Image Calculator, make sure you check "32-bit result". Then use Process>Math>Log on the result, and divide (Process>Math>divide) by ln(10) = 2.302585093
On Mar 27, 2015, at 13:34, Godfrey Pasirayi wrote:
> Dear members
> I am kindly writing to seek your assistance in analysingimages using the log10 function. Forexample I have two images A and B. I would like to perform the operation Log 10 ( A/B) in image J to get image C. When I perform this operation theresultant image C is a black image with no features. Can someone in the group help me to dothis. I would like to see image C with all the features. My image A thebackground without the sample and Image B is the sample. So image C is theproduct only without the background contribution.
> Godfrey Pasirayi
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