Versatile wand plugin(s)

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Versatile wand plugin(s)

CARL Philippe (LBP)
Dear all (probably mostly Michael and/or Wayne),

There are two websites where the versatile wand tool can be downloaded.

The one at the ImageJ website:

Which holds a version 1.21 lastly modified by Wayne Rasband and Michael
Schmid on 2015-Oct-04.

And under the Tudor server:

Which holds as well a 1.21 version which was lastly modified by Wayne
Rasband and Michael Schmid on 2015-Oct-11.

Very unfortunately the two versions are quite/slightly different (somebody
said one day [he was European] that “all is relative”).

But at least different enough that the macro commands to launch them will be

Thus is there a reason why these two versions exist and if not would it be
possible to put the same versions on both websites (looking at the inside
code I guess the one under Tudor is the most advanced).

Thanks a lot in advance and good day for everybody.

My best regards,



Philippe CARL

Laboratoire de Biophotonique et Pharmacologie

UMR 7213 CNRS - Université de Strasbourg

Faculté de Pharmacie

74 route du Rhin


Tel : +33(0)3 68 85 41 84

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