> ImageJ'ers,
> I have an upcoming project to do image processing on [relatively]
> short video sequences (AVI and MPEG I believe). At this point, my game
> plan is to open the video sequence and create a virtual image stack
> consisting of 1 slice per [decoded] video frame. Any general
> comments/recommendations are welcome; however, I have particular
> interest in information regarding:
> 1) References to any freely available to obtain/use/distribute
> cross-platform Java libraries for decoding common video formats.
> 2) References to existing ImageJ plugins that deal with video files.
> 3) References to existing ImageJ plugins that deal with virtual image
> stacks.
Michael Schmid's new AVI Reader plugin at
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/avi-reader.htmlis an excellent example of a plugin that deals with video files and
virtual stacks.