Hi all,
I am currently researching the motile response on photosynthetic algae to different environmental conditions. I was lucky enough to be lent a very high speed camera to capture the motion of my phytoplanktons flagella in great detail, however I am having a slight issue getting the data I need.
I want to be able to accurately measure the beat frequency (in number of frames) of about 300 individual cells from different treatments over time. Most people would have to use a micromanipulator to hold the cells in place (thereby making the flagella the only dynamic body part), but use of the high speed camera allowed me to get away with not using this method. To do so, I need to find a way to make the cell body appear as if it is not moving at all in either the X or Y plane so that I can accurately measure flagella movement.
I have so far played with StackReg, TurboReg and Kang Li's Image Stabilizer.
Any other thoughts would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,