Dear list members,
I am trying to do a xyz rotation on large image stacks, which have voxels approximately 5.5 times larger in z compared to x and y. TransformJ rotate seems to be the perfect solution for this. However when I use it, the size of the voxels in my stack is not calculated correctly after the rotation.
For example, when I do a 90 degrees y-angle rotation, the reported width of the resulting stack is 5.5 times smaller than expected. So it seems the plug-in assumes that the size of the voxels are the same in x, y and z. When I use 'TransformJ turn', the width is calculated correctly. But since I need to be able to use arbitrary angles, TransformJ turn is not an option.
Currently I am scaling the z-axis so that I have 'cubic' voxels before the rotation, but this is very time and memory consuming. Is there another solution for this?
Thank you.
Dr. ir. Laurent Holtzer
Gonzalez-Gaitan lab
Department of Biochemistry
University of Geneva, Sciences II
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
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