On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, maringa wrote:
> I've been doing macros in ImageJ for a couple of weeks and wants to do
> Plugins instead! I have installed the lastest ImageJ bundled with Java
> Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and a Java Compiler (J2SE SDK)
> but when I try to run and compile anything in ImageJ it just says
> "The JVM does not include Javac compiler. Javac is included with the
> latest version of ImageJ bundled with Java"
> Why? I have spent a lot of time trying to solve this, I know that I also
> need ij.jar and I have set the classpath to this file
> C://programfiles/ImageJ/ij.jar...
> I do not know what to do with ImageJ class and configuration files, I
> guess this is the API which I have downloaded.
We tried to address issues like this specifically with Fiji:
http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de/It is basically ImageJ bundled with a few components, such as a Javac