Hi Shreya,
If your images are together in a stack, the "Watershed Irregular Features"
function runs always on the complete stack.
If this is not working for you, make sure that you are running the newset
version of the BV toolbox.
All other Watershed functions like the "Adjustable Watershed" from Michael
Schmid (if I'm not wrong) do the same on stacks.
Kind regards,
2016-03-11 0:51 GMT+01:00 Shreya Kanakiya <
[hidden email]>:
> I have microCT scans of basalt rock and wish to characterize their pore
> geometry. For the same I have thresholded the pores. Since the pores are
> connected, I wish to perform watershed before calculating the circularity,
> surface area and volume of pores. I tried using the 'Watershed Irregular
> Features' function in Biovoxxel toolbox of Fiji but it allows to perform
> watershed on one image at a time. Is there a way I could perform it on
> image sequences ?
> Thanks for your time.
> Regards,
> Shreya
> --
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