I would like to find a solution to do automated counting of particle (puncta staining of synapse) in a stack of image obtained with a confocal. I have try the plug-in "3D object counting" but as my background is not very homogeneous the result is not reproducible. I would like to use the "WatershedCounting3D" plug-in (Thomas J. Gniadek and Graham Warren) because I think it should solve that problem as it does not use threshold. Unfortunately when I try it, the object found are not accurate. As you can see on the image it found object around the real particle.
I think I have problem with the setting. The one used for the image posted is:
x=0.207; y=0.207; z=03; max radius search=0.5; Local Maxima sampling dimension: x=2; y=2; z=1
I read the paper describing the technique (
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17319897) but I don't find any explanation on how to choose the best setting. I will greatly appreciate any advice,
Thank you very much.
Simon Pieraut