Webinar Invitation: 3D Image Reconstruction and Presentation of Microscopy Images

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Webinar Invitation: 3D Image Reconstruction and Presentation of Microscopy Images

David Hitrys
You are invited to attend a live, interactive, web-based instructional
"3D Reconstruction and Presentation of Microscopy Images"
Presented by Bartek Rajwa, Ph.D.
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
Sponsored by Media Cybernetics and QImaging
Details are below.  Connection lines are limited, so reserve yours now.
There is no charge to participate in this on-line seminar.

Thursday, 11-October, 1:00PM (Eastern time; 10 AM Pacific time)
Duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Pre-register (required) at:
<https://mediacy.webex.com/mediacy/j.php?ED=2412243&RG=1> &RG=1

[If this link has wrapped, please re-build it in your web browser's address
bar. The line begins with "https" and ends with "RG=1" ]

Modern optical microscopy provides powerful tools for studying biological
samples varying from sub-cellular structures to tissues. Transforming
complex, multidimensional microscopy data sets into the actual presentation
for use in lectures, web sites, or published materials requires not only
knowledge about digital image acquisition and image processing but also
familiarity with visualization techniques. Attendees will learn various
approaches to multidimensional data visualization of microscopy images and
will see examples of software tools available for these tasks.

Specifically, the workshop will address the following topics:

* Sources of 3-D microscopy datasets. Optical resolution of
conventional and confocal microscopes

* 3-D reconstruction

* 3-D visualization via surface or/and volume rendering

* 3-D presentation techniques

* Use of animations for 3-D visualization

* Beyond 3-D: visualization of spectral and time lapse images

* Presentation of 3-D visualizations in printed materials, electronic
presentations, and electronic supplementary materials submitted to journals

Sponsored by  <http://www.mediacy.com/> Media Cybernetics (Image Pro and
AutoQuant software) and  <http://www.qimaging.com/> QImaging (digital
cameras for microscopy)
This seminar requires that attendees use a Java-enabled browser with a high
bandwidth connection. Audio is via telephone. Long distance toll charges may

There is no charge to participate in this on-line seminar.