Which is the limit of the number of pixels in an RGB Image?

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Which is the limit of the number of pixels in an RGB Image?

S. Pagakis (IIBEAA)
Hello everyone

If I remember correctly I've seen the message: "ImageJ can support images up to 2GPixels in size", and when I tried it,  it holds for an 8-bit image.

However, when I try to create a NEW RBG image with any dimensions over 24000x24000 (which is only 0.6GPixel), Fiji v2.0 (but also v1.43 and v1.48 - on a Mac) quit with no message.

The reason I went into this is that I tried to open a jpg2000 RGB image which is roughly  26000x35000 pixels but it failed (with the exception message in the attached txt file).
By testing with different variables, I concluded that the problem was only the size.  A smaller image of the same format opened just fine.

My installations had over 6GB RAM available to ImageJ, so it was not due to application memory limit.

Is there anything it can be done?

thanks in advance

Stamatis Pagakis Ph.D.
Head, Biological Imaging
Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Soranou Efessiou 4, Athens 115 27 - Greece
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Exception.txt (3K) Download Attachment