Why is the 'Median Filter' limited to a radius of 100 pixel maximum?

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Why is the 'Median Filter' limited to a radius of 100 pixel maximum?

Matthias Schade

it is not possible to execute the 'Median Filter' nor the 'Remove Outliers..' function via user-interface for radii > 100 pixels. Historically, considering processing power or RAM this might have been a reasonable limit. But nowadays?

I was following recommendations from the following paper on the inference of an illumination function where the authors apply a median filter (r=500 pixels) on an image of 1280x1024 pixels:
Singh, S., Bray, M., Jones, T. R., & Carpenter, a E. (2014). Pipeline for illumination correction of images for high-throughput microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 256(3), 231–6. doi:10.1111/jmi.12178

The ImageJ java code which I think is responsible for catching any radius>100 pixel is found in "RankFilters.Java" (latest version for 1.49m) and states: "int maxRadius = (filterType==MEDIAN || filterType==OUTLIERS || filterType==REMOVE_NAN) ? 100 : 1000;"

This limitation is void/ignored for ImageJ macros, i.e. using a line such as: run("Median...", "radius=200 slice");


Matthias Schade

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Molekulare Biophysik  -  Institut für Biologie
Invalidenstraße 42  -  10115 Berlin, Germany

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Re: Why is the 'Median Filter' limited to a radius of 100 pixel maximum?

Michael Schmid
Hi Matthias,

the reason for limiting the radius for the median is computing time:
For the median, ImageJ uses quickselect (Hoare's selection algorithm), with some additional tricks for optimization. This is a good choice for the typical small kernel sizes, but slow for large sizes of the kernel.
On my computer (2.4 GHz Core2Duo), the median for a noisy 2048x2048-pixel image with r=100 takes needs almost 7 minutes!
With these computing times, I think that it makes no sense to have larger radii; the user might think it got stuck if the progress bar does not change. A large radius is useful for large images only, and there it takes excessively long.

For 8-bit and 16-bit images and a large radius, you are much better off with a histogram-based median. If you are happy with a square (instead of circular) kernel area, you could try this one:

Maybe there is a reasonably fast 'true' median algorithm also for floating-point images; if someone knows one, let me know, please!

An approximation for the median, also with a square kernel, can be found in the Fast Filters plugin. It needs 5 seconds for the 2048x2048 image.

What is the application of a median with such a large size?

On Dec 15, 2014, at 20:29, Matthias Schade wrote:

> Hello
> it is not possible to execute the 'Median Filter' nor the 'Remove Outliers..' function via user-interface for radii > 100 pixels. Historically, considering processing power or RAM this might have been a reasonable limit. But nowadays?
> I was following recommendations from the following paper on the inference of an illumination function where the authors apply a median filter (r=500 pixels) on an image of 1280x1024 pixels:
> Singh, S., Bray, M., Jones, T. R., & Carpenter, a E. (2014). Pipeline for illumination correction of images for high-throughput microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 256(3), 231–6. doi:10.1111/jmi.12178
> The ImageJ java code which I think is responsible for catching any radius>100 pixel is found in "RankFilters.Java" (latest version for 1.49m) and states: "int maxRadius = (filterType==MEDIAN || filterType==OUTLIERS || filterType==REMOVE_NAN) ? 100 : 1000;"
> This limitation is void/ignored for ImageJ macros, i.e. using a line such as: run("Median...", "radius=200 slice");
> Cheers
> Matthias
> --
> Matthias Schade
> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
> Molekulare Biophysik  -  Institut für Biologie
> Invalidenstraße 42  -  10115 Berlin, Germany
> fon      +49-30-2093-8724
> fax:     +49-30-2093-8585
> office: 216
> email: [hidden email]
> www: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/biologie/molbp/
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

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