Why no setCalibrationTable() for the Calibration class?

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Why no setCalibrationTable() for the Calibration class?

Josh Doe-2
Hi, I'm trying to calibrate some images using a very quirky function that
doesn't fit into any of the ones offered by the ImageJ calibration plugin.
We have been using the setCalibrationTable() method of the ImageProcessor
class, and then using the createImagePlus() method of the ImagePlus class.

This has two downsides:
1) It is clunky, as I have to create a new intermediate image
2) I'm not really calibrating the image in the ImageJ sense of things,
info says it's uncalibrated, and I don't have the utility of being able to
access both the calibrated and uncalibrated values.

I'd like to know if there's any reason why the Calibration class doesn't
have a setCalibrationTable() method like ImageProcessor has, or allows one
to pass in a custom function to generate the cTable array. It seems like
it should be very easy to add, and very useful, which makes me wonder if
there's something I'm missing.

If there is no particular reason, then I'll definitely add a
setCalibrationTable() method. Thanks for any input,

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How to add color spread bar on the RGB image?

Liu, Dongfang (NIH/NIAID) [F]
Dear All,

How to add the color spread bar on the RGB image? I want to show fluorescence intensity change in false colour scale!

Best regards,