Writing TIFF files with custom tags

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Writing TIFF files with custom tags

Stein Rørvik
I want to open a series of TIFF files from ImageJ in some proprietary software.
The software expects some custom tags to be set, because it was originally designed to work with files output from a specific instrument.
I used the TIFF Tags plugin at https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/tiff-tags.html on such files and can see the custom tags in the files output by the instrument listed with IDs in the range above 60000.

So the question is, how can I make ImageJ write TIFF files adding these custom tags set to a specific value?
Maybe I can do this using the Bio-Formats plugin?

Or does anyone know of some free software that can batch-process a folder with TIFFs and add custom tags?


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Re: Writing TIFF files with custom tags

Gabriel Landini
Hi Stein,
I guess that you might need to write your own TIFF encoder for this.
Have you looked at the TiffEncoder.java file in the IJ source?
Thats has methods to write the Tiff header and the currently supported tags.

Hope it helps


On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 09:48:20 GMT you wrote:

> I want to open a series of TIFF files from ImageJ in some proprietary
> software. The software expects some custom tags to be set, because it was
> originally designed to work with files output from a specific instrument. I
> used the TIFF Tags plugin at
> https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/tiff-tags.html on such files and can see
> the custom tags in the files output by the instrument listed with IDs in
> the range above 60000.
> So the question is, how can I make ImageJ write TIFF files adding these
> custom tags set to a specific value? Maybe I can do this using the
> Bio-Formats plugin?
> Or does anyone know of some free software that can batch-process a folder
> with TIFFs and add custom tags?
> Stein

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