Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to write a 16 (or better yet) 32-bit image from Matlab? The command used is imwrite(image.jpeg,'filename',.........................); but I am unfamiliar with standard image file type designations and Matlab's capabilities. It seems Matlab only supports tiff files to 8-bit - has anyone had any luck otherwise using jpeg or gif or the other filetypes? Much Appreciated for your input Robert |
Tifff16 bit (writing) is still not supported in Matlab, for 16 bit however,
you might be able to use png for writing (see the imwrite docs). For READING 16 bit tiff and also multi-image tiffs there is a nice macro I found on Matlab central that works pretty good: (However, iunfortunatelly there still seems not to be any tiffwrite2.m!) Joachim function [stack, img_read] = tiffread2(filename, img_first, img_last) % tiffread, version 2.4 % % [stack, nbImages] = tiffread; % [stack, nbImages] = tiffread(filename); % [stack, nbImages] = tiffread(filename, imageIndex); % [stack, nbImages] = tiffread(filename, firstImageIndex, lastImageIndex); % % Reads 8,16,32 bits uncompressed grayscale and (some) color tiff files, % as well as stacks or multiple tiff images, for example those produced % by metamorph or NIH-image. However, the entire TIFF standard is not % supported (but you may extend it). % % The function can be called with a file name in the current directory, % or without argument, in which case it pop up a file openning dialog % to allow manual selection of the file. % If the stacks contains multiples images, loading can be restricted by % specifying the first and last images to read, or just one image to read. % % at return, nbimages contains the number of images read, and S is a vector % containing the different images with some additional informations. The % image pixels values are stored in the field .data, for gray level images, % or in the fields .red, .green and .blue % the pixels values are in the native (integer) format, % and must be converted to be used in most matlab functions. % % Example: % im = tiffread('spindle.stk'); % imshow( double(im(5).data), [] ); % % Francois Nedelec, EMBL, Copyright 1999-2006. % rewriten July 7th, 2004 at Woods Hole during the physiology course. % last modified April 12, 2006. % Contributions: % Kendra Burbank suggested the waitbar % Hidenao Iwai for the code to read floating point images, % Stephen Lang made tiffread more compliant with PlanarConfiguration % % Please, help us improve this software: send us feedback/bugs/suggestions % This software is provided at no cost by a public research institution. % However, postcards are always welcome! % % Francois Nedelec % nedelec (at) embl.de % Cell Biology and Biophysics, EMBL; Meyerhofstrasse 1; 69117 Heidelberg; Germany % http://www.embl.org % http://www.cytosim.org %Optimization: join adjacent TIF strips: this results in faster reads consolidateStrips = 1; %if there is no argument, we ask the user to choose a file: if (nargin == 0) [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.tif;*.stk;*.lsm', 'select image file'); filename = [ pathname, filename ]; end if (nargin<=1); img_first = 1; img_last = 10000; end if (nargin==2); img_last = img_first; end % not all valid tiff tags have been included, as they are really a lot... % if needed, tags can easily be added to this code % See the official list of tags: % http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/TIFF6.pdf % % the structure IMG is returned to the user, while TIF is not. % so tags usefull to the user should be stored as fields in IMG, while % those used only internally can be stored in TIF. global TIF; TIF = []; %counters for the number of images read and skipped img_skip = 0; img_read = 0; % set defaults values : TIF.SampleFormat = 1; TIF.SamplesPerPixel = 1; TIF.BOS = 'l'; %byte order string if isempty(findstr(filename,'.')) filename = [filename,'.tif']; end TIF.file = fopen(filename,'r','l'); if TIF.file == -1 filename = strrep(filename, '.tif', '.stk'); TIF.file = fopen(filename,'r','l'); if TIF.file == -1 error(['file <',filename,'> not found.']); end end % read header % read byte order: II = little endian, MM = big endian byte_order = fread(TIF.file, 2, '*char'); if ( strcmp(byte_order', 'II') ) TIF.BOS = 'l'; %normal PC format elseif ( strcmp(byte_order','MM') ) TIF.BOS = 'b'; else error('This is not a TIFF file (no MM or II).'); end %----- read in a number which identifies file as TIFF format tiff_id = fread(TIF.file,1,'uint16', TIF.BOS); if (tiff_id ~= 42) error('This is not a TIFF file (missing 42).'); end %----- read the byte offset for the first image file directory (IFD) ifd_pos = fread(TIF.file,1,'uint32', TIF.BOS); while (ifd_pos ~= 0) clear IMG; IMG.filename = fullfile( pwd, filename ); % move in the file to the first IFD fseek(TIF.file, ifd_pos, -1); %disp(strcat('reading img at pos :',num2str(ifd_pos))); %read in the number of IFD entries num_entries = fread(TIF.file,1,'uint16', TIF.BOS); %disp(strcat('num_entries =', num2str(num_entries))); %read and process each IFD entry for i = 1:num_entries % save the current position in the file file_pos = ftell(TIF.file); % read entry tag TIF.entry_tag = fread(TIF.file, 1, 'uint16', TIF.BOS); entry = readIFDentry; %disp(strcat('reading entry <',num2str(TIF.entry_tag),'>')); switch TIF.entry_tag case 254 TIF.NewSubfiletype = entry.val; case 256 % image width - number of column IMG.width = entry.val; case 257 % image height - number of row IMG.height = entry.val; TIF.ImageLength = entry.val; case 258 % BitsPerSample per sample TIF.BitsPerSample = entry.val; TIF.BytesPerSample = TIF.BitsPerSample / 8; IMG.bits = TIF.BitsPerSample(1); %fprintf(1,'BitsPerSample %i %i %i\n', entry.val); case 259 % compression if (entry.val ~= 1); error('Compression format not supported.'); end case 262 % photometric interpretation TIF.PhotometricInterpretation = entry.val; if ( TIF.PhotometricInterpretation == 3 ) fprintf(1, 'warning: ignoring the look-up table defined in the TIFF file'); end case 269 IMG.document_name = entry.val; case 270 % comment: TIF.info = entry.val; case 271 IMG.make = entry.val; case 273 % strip offset TIF.StripOffsets = entry.val; TIF.StripNumber = entry.cnt; %fprintf(1,'StripNumber = %i, size(StripOffsets) = %i %i\n', TIF.StripNumber, size(TIF.StripOffsets)); case 277 % sample_per pixel TIF.SamplesPerPixel = entry.val; %fprintf(1,'Color image: sample_per_pixel=%i\n', TIF.SamplesPerPixel); case 278 % rows per strip TIF.RowsPerStrip = entry.val; case 279 % strip byte counts - number of bytes in each strip after any compressio TIF.StripByteCounts= entry.val; case 282 % X resolution IMG.x_resolution = entry.val; case 283 % Y resolution IMG.y_resolution = entry.val; case 284 %planar configuration describe the order of RGB TIF.PlanarConfiguration = entry.val; case 296 % resolution unit IMG.resolution_unit= entry.val; case 305 % software IMG.software = entry.val; case 306 % datetime IMG.datetime = entry.val; case 315 IMG.artist = entry.val; case 317 %predictor for compression if (entry.val ~= 1); error('unsuported predictor value'); end case 320 % color map IMG.cmap = entry.val; IMG.colors = entry.cnt/3; case 339 TIF.SampleFormat = entry.val; case 33628 %metamorph specific data IMG.MM_private1 = entry.val; case 33629 %this tag identify the image as a Metamorph stack! TIF.MM_stack = entry.val; TIF.MM_stackCnt = entry.cnt; if ( img_last > img_first ) waitbar_handle = waitbar(0,'Please wait...','Name',['Reading ' filename]); end case 33630 %metamorph stack data: wavelength TIF.MM_wavelength = entry.val; case 33631 %metamorph stack data: gain/background? TIF.MM_private2 = entry.val; otherwise fprintf(1,'ignored TIFF entry with tag %i (cnt %i)\n', TIF.entry_tag, entry.cnt); end % move to next IFD entry in the file fseek(TIF.file, file_pos+12,-1); end %Planar configuration is not fully supported %Per tiff spec 6.0 PlanarConfiguration irrelevent if SamplesPerPixel==1 %Contributed by Stephen Lang if ((TIF.SamplesPerPixel ~= 1) && (TIF.PlanarConfiguration == 1)) error('PlanarConfiguration = %i not supported', TIF.PlanarConfiguration); end %total number of bytes per image: PlaneBytesCnt = IMG.width * IMG.height * TIF.BytesPerSample; if consolidateStrips %Try to consolidate the strips into a single one to speed-up reading: BytesCnt = TIF.StripByteCounts(1); if BytesCnt < PlaneBytesCnt ConsolidateCnt = 1; %Count how many Strip are needed to produce a plane while TIF.StripOffsets(1) + BytesCnt == TIF.StripOffsets(ConsolidateCnt+1) ConsolidateCnt = ConsolidateCnt + 1; BytesCnt = BytesCnt + TIF.StripByteCounts(ConsolidateCnt); if ( BytesCnt >= PlaneBytesCnt ); break; end end %Consolidate the Strips if ( BytesCnt <= PlaneBytesCnt(1) ) && ( ConsolidateCnt > 1 ) %fprintf(1,'Consolidating %i stripes out of %i', ConsolidateCnt, TIF.StripNumber); TIF.StripByteCounts = [BytesCnt; TIF.StripByteCounts(ConsolidateCnt+1:TIF.StripNumber ) ]; TIF.StripOffsets = TIF.StripOffsets( [1 , ConsolidateCnt+1:TIF.StripNumber] ); TIF.StripNumber = 1 + TIF.StripNumber - ConsolidateCnt; end end end %read the next IFD address: ifd_pos = fread(TIF.file, 1, 'uint32', TIF.BOS); %if (ifd_pos) disp(['next ifd at', num2str(ifd_pos)]); end if isfield( TIF, 'MM_stack' ) if ( img_last > TIF.MM_stackCnt ) img_last = TIF.MM_stackCnt; end %this loop is to read metamorph stacks: for ii = img_first:img_last TIF.StripCnt = 1; %read the image fileOffset = PlaneBytesCnt * ( ii - 1 ); %fileOffset = 0; %fileOffset = ftell(TIF.file) - TIF.StripOffsets(1); if ( TIF.SamplesPerPixel == 1 ) IMG.data = read_plane(fileOffset, IMG.width, IMG.height, 1); else IMG.red = read_plane(fileOffset, IMG.width, IMG.height, 1); IMG.green = read_plane(fileOffset, IMG.width, IMG.height, 2); IMG.blue = read_plane(fileOffset, IMG.width, IMG.height, 3); end % print a text timer on the main window, or update the waitbar % fprintf(1,'img_read %i img_skip %i\n', img_read, img_skip); if exist('waitbar_handle', 'var') waitbar( img_read/TIF.MM_stackCnt, waitbar_handle); end [ IMG.info, IMG.MM_stack, IMG.MM_wavelength, IMG.MM_private2 ] = extractMetamorphData(ii); img_read = img_read + 1; stack( img_read ) = IMG; end break; else %this part to read a normal TIFF stack: if ( img_skip + 1 >= img_first ) TIF.StripCnt = 1; %read the image if ( TIF.SamplesPerPixel == 1 ) IMG.data = read_plane(0, IMG.width, IMG.height, 1); else IMG.red = read_plane(0, IMG.width, IMG.height, 1); IMG.green = read_plane(0, IMG.width, IMG.height, 2); IMG.blue = read_plane(0, IMG.width, IMG.height, 3); end img_read = img_read + 1; try stack( img_read ) = IMG; catch %stack %IMG error('The file contains dissimilar images: you can only read them one by one'); end else img_skip = img_skip + 1; end if ( img_skip + img_read >= img_last ) break; end end end %clean-up fclose(TIF.file); if exist('waitbar_handle', 'var') delete( waitbar_handle ); clear waitbar_handle; end drawnow; %return empty array if nothing was read if ~ exist( 'stack', 'var') stack = []; end return; %============================================================================ function plane = read_plane(offset, width, height, planeCnt) global TIF; %return an empty array if the sample format has zero bits if ( TIF.BitsPerSample(planeCnt) == 0 ) plane=[]; return; end %fprintf(1,'reading plane %i size %i %i\n', planeCnt, width, height); %determine the type needed to store the pixel values: switch( TIF.SampleFormat ) case 1 classname = sprintf('uint%i', TIF.BitsPerSample(planeCnt)); case 2 classname = sprintf('int%i', TIF.BitsPerSample(planeCnt)); case 3 if ( TIF.BitsPerSample(planeCnt) == 32 ) classname = 'single'; else classname = 'double'; end otherwise error('unsuported TIFF sample format %i', TIF.SampleFormat); end % Preallocate a matrix to hold the sample data: plane = zeros(width, height, classname); % Read the strips and concatenate them: line = 1; while ( TIF.StripCnt <= TIF.StripNumber ) strip = read_strip(offset, width, planeCnt, TIF.StripCnt, classname); TIF.StripCnt = TIF.StripCnt + 1; % copy the strip onto the data plane(:, line:(line+size(strip,2)-1)) = strip; line = line + size(strip,2); if ( line > height ) break; end end % Extract valid part of data if needed if ~all(size(plane) == [width height]), plane = plane(1:width, 1:height); error('Cropping data: more bytes read than needed...'); end % transpose the image (otherwise display is rotated in matlab) plane = plane'; return; %=================== sub-functions to read a strip =================== function strip = read_strip(offset, width, planeCnt, stripCnt, classname) global TIF; %fprintf(1,'reading strip at position %i\n',TIF.StripOffsets(stripCnt) + offset); StripLength = TIF.StripByteCounts(stripCnt) ./ TIF.BytesPerSample(planeCnt); %fprintf(1, 'reading strip %i\n', stripCnt); fseek(TIF.file, TIF.StripOffsets(stripCnt) + offset, 'bof'); bytes = fread( TIF.file, StripLength, classname, TIF.BOS ); if ( length(bytes) ~= StripLength ) error('End of file reached unexpectedly.'); end strip = reshape(bytes, width, StripLength / width); return; %===================sub-functions that reads an IFD entry:=================== function [nbBytes, matlabType] = convertType(tiffType) switch (tiffType) case 1 nbBytes=1; matlabType='uint8'; case 2 nbBytes=1; matlabType='uchar'; case 3 nbBytes=2; matlabType='uint16'; case 4 nbBytes=4; matlabType='uint32'; case 5 nbBytes=8; matlabType='uint32'; case 11 nbBytes=4; matlabType='float32'; case 12 nbBytes=8; matlabType='float64'; otherwise error('tiff type %i not supported', tiffType) end return; %===================sub-functions that reads an IFD entry:=================== function entry = readIFDentry() global TIF; entry.tiffType = fread(TIF.file, 1, 'uint16', TIF.BOS); entry.cnt = fread(TIF.file, 1, 'uint32', TIF.BOS); %disp(['tiffType =', num2str(entry.tiffType),', cnt = ',num2str(entry.cnt)]); [ entry.nbBytes, entry.matlabType ] = convertType(entry.tiffType); if entry.nbBytes * entry.cnt > 4 %next field contains an offset: offset = fread(TIF.file, 1, 'uint32', TIF.BOS); %disp(strcat('offset = ', num2str(offset))); fseek(TIF.file, offset, -1); end if TIF.entry_tag == 33629 %special metamorph 'rationals' entry.val = fread(TIF.file, 6*entry.cnt, entry.matlabType, TIF.BOS); else if entry.tiffType == 5 entry.val = fread(TIF.file, 2*entry.cnt, entry.matlabType, TIF.BOS); else entry.val = fread(TIF.file, entry.cnt, entry.matlabType, TIF.BOS); end end if ( entry.tiffType == 2 ); entry.val = char(entry.val'); end return; %==============distribute the metamorph infos to each frame: function [info, stack, wavelength, private2 ] = extractMetamorphData(imgCnt) global TIF; info = []; stack = []; wavelength = []; private2 = []; if TIF.MM_stackCnt == 1 return; end left = imgCnt - 1; if isfield( TIF, 'info' ) S = length(TIF.info) / TIF.MM_stackCnt; info = TIF.info(S*left+1:S*left+S); end if isfield( TIF, 'MM_stack' ) S = length(TIF.MM_stack) / TIF.MM_stackCnt; stack = TIF.MM_stack(S*left+1:S*left+S); end if isfield( TIF, 'MM_wavelength' ) S = length(TIF.MM_wavelength) / TIF.MM_stackCnt; wavelength = TIF.MM_wavelength(S*left+1:S*left+S); end if isfield( TIF, 'MM_private2' ) S = length(TIF.MM_private2) / TIF.MM_stackCnt; private2 = TIF.MM_private2(S*left+1:S*left+S); end return; ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> schrieb am 18.05.2008 00:20:01: > Hi All, > > Can anyone tell me if it is possible to write a 16 (or better yet) > 32-bit image from Matlab? > > The command used is > > imwrite(image.jpeg,'filename',.........................); > > but I am unfamiliar with standard image file type designations and > Matlab's capabilities. > > It seems Matlab only supports tiff files to 8-bit - has anyone had any > luck otherwise using jpeg or gif or the other filetypes? > > Much Appreciated for your input > > Robert ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. 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