what I can contribute may not be much help to you, except in letting
you know that others out there use ImageJ for the same purpose.
I have recently started to use ImageJ on images made by hard X-rays on
a reasonably sensitive type of radiochromic film, GAFchromic EBT film.
We first digitize the image, with an Epson professional scanner that
puts out large (multi-Mb) RGB .tif files. In our application, most of
the scan is unexposed film. Since I haven't figured out to let
ImageJ work automatically, I crop by hand to get much nicer, small
files. For my application I need the integral across a rectangle
that is long vertically. Again, due to lack of knowledge how to
integrate horizontally, I rotate the image (by hand), and then
do the integral. Since I do this on less than 10 images, it's not
a problem for me.
Earlier, I used ImageJ on images from soft (10 keV) X-rays.
It works wonderfully well. Back then we also used Irfanview,
which is available for Windows.
There should be no need for proprietary programs. GAFchromic
EBT's and/or Epson's documentation recommends proprietary
programs also, but we found perfect happiness with ImageJ.
Biswajit Dutta Baruah wrote:
> Dear Members,
> I am an orthopaedic surgeon from India. I plan to use ImageJ to measure
> xrays and think is an ideal tool for someone who cannot afford
> proprietary programs like Orthonova. I have been trying to make
> measurements for the past few weeks.But coming form the windows
> environment it has been a steep learning curve getting used to ImageJ.
> I would like to hear from someone who has been already using the program
> to obtain measurements from the xrays, and probably make my learning a
> little easier. Suggestions from others regarding documents or wikis in
> this direction would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Biswajit D Baruah.