You would set the voxel depth to 4.5um. ImageJ does not distinguish
spacing and thickness. The easiest way to import this stack into
TrakEM2 is to save it as a series of 2D images.
Side note: For 3D reconstruction, I was never happy to hear of thin
sections with extra-spacing. This way, you are willingly undersampling
the axial dimension. I.e. while you get excellent detail in the plane,
the continuity of your signal along z is anecdotal. It's like scanning
a confocal image at very low resolution with a super small pinhole.
Nobody would do that.
On Wed, 2017-07-12 at 16:02 +1000, Alexander V. Kalachev wrote:
> Dear ImageJ users,
> can anyone provide me with a way how to correctly setup a Z-stack in
> order to make a 3D
> reconstruction with TrackEM2 plugin? For my work I need to make a
> series of sections from a
> material embedded into Araldite-Epon resin. I have a series of 1.5
> micrometers thick sections
> with a spacing between sections of 3 micrometers. How to correctly
> set these parameters in ImageJ?
> With kind regards,
> Alexander
> --
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