Zeiss mdb files

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Zeiss mdb files

laurent barbe
Dear users,


I'm looking for a way to pull out data from the zeiss image files. I know
that I can use LSM toolbox to get individual image metadata but is there a
way to get all of them from the mdb file, or another way without opening the

Any suggestion more than welcome!





Laurent Barbe
Royal Technological Institute (KTH)
Dept of Biotechnology - School of Nano-biotechnology
Albanova University Center, Roslagstullsbacken 21
10691 Stockholm - SWEDEN
tel:+46 855378832
fax:+46 855378323

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Re: Zeiss mdb files

The Zeiss mdb file inside a folder of lsm images contains the metadata
about these files, including a thumbnail. It can be read with MS
Access for example.


On 9/8/06, laurent barbe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear users,
> I'm looking for a way to pull out data from the zeiss image files. I know
> that I can use LSM toolbox to get individual image metadata but is there a
> way to get all of them from the mdb file, or another way without opening the
> image?
> Any suggestion more than welcome!
> /Laurent
> ______________________________________________
> Laurent Barbe
> Royal Technological Institute (KTH)
> Dept of Biotechnology - School of Nano-biotechnology
> Albanova University Center, Roslagstullsbacken 21
> 10691 Stockholm - SWEDEN
> tel:+46 855378832
> fax:+46 855378323
> http://proteinatlas.org/
> http://www.biotech.kth.se/nano_biotechnology/