a question about counting pixels in an image

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a question about counting pixels in an image

Aldo Ramos
Hello !!

My name is Aldo Ramos and my question is simple:

How can I count the pixels in an image with a color or
B&W scale criteria?

Thank you all very much !!!

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AW: a question about counting pixels in an image

Barthel, Kai Uwe
You can use the 3D color inspector.


> Hello !!
> My name is Aldo Ramos and my question is simple:
> How can I count the pixels in an image with a color or
> B&W scale criteria?
> Thank you all very much !!!
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> Correo Yahoo!
> Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis!
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Re: a question about counting pixels in an image

Wayne Rasband
In reply to this post by Aldo Ramos
> My name is Aldo Ramos and my question is simple:
> How can I count the pixels in an image with a
> color or B&W scale criteria?

Use Analyze>Histogram or a simple macro like this:

       print("Pixel count: ", pixelCount);
