Hello All,
Using IJ v1.48v, I am writing custom fields to the Results table, using setResult, using nResults as the current line number.
run("Set Measurements...", "redirect=None decimal=6");
setResult("Membrane area", nResults, MembraneArea );
setResult("FRET area", nResults-1, areaFRET);
setResult("mean FRET", nResults-1, meanFRET );
setResult("Std Dev", nResults-1, stddevFRET );
setResult("FRET Area percent", nResults-1, FRETperAreaPercent );
normFRET = FRETperAreaPercent * meanFRET ;
setResult("Normalized FRET", nResults-1, normFRET );
updateResults() ;
Everything works fine on the first pass. For each subsequent loop, the new line gets written to the Results window correctly on the next line down. The problem is that the results on the line above the newly written data has all been changed to zeros.
What am I doing wrong?
thanks for any suggestions!