Dear Christian,
Do you have some sample (small) images? In general, for your approach you need a 3D (Anti)granulometry but I am not aware of such implementation within ImageJ. In 3D processing you may run into some memory limitations.
It would be much simpler if you can restrict yourself to the 2D case.
Best regards,
Dimiter Prodanov
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Liebig [mailto:
[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday 24 August 2010 10:31
Subject: analysing glial cells
Hi all,
I have stacks with glial cells where we want to analyse size differences
of the volume covered by their processes.
What I managed is to get the cells recognized as objects with the 3d
Objects Counter but now I'm a bit stuck. What I want ideally is the
volume of the convex hull of each object (cell) but how can I get that?
Another thing that would be useful to know is how much space is there
between the cells? My idea was to find out the largest size of a sphere
that you can squeeze between the objects but I don't know how that can
be computed with ImageJ?
It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction how
to solve these problems.
Thanks in advance, best wishes,
Christian Liebig, PhD
Hertie-Institut für klinische Hirnforschung
Otfried-Müller-Straße 27
72076 Tübingen
Phone: ++49-7071-29-87607
Fax: ++49-7071-29-4521
[hidden email]