Ben Tupper a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Apr 16, 2009, at 9:03 AM, Senger Fabrice wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> i'm running imageJ latest daily build and when I use "analyze
>> particles" I get aswell a result table with some measurements,
>> despite the fact I didn't hit the multi-measure...
>> How could I stop this ?
> Could you restate the problem (or provide a macro to replicate the
> problem?) It isn't clear what you are getting in addition to the
> results table.
> Ben Tupper
Usually when I run analyze particles I check the following options :
show : mask
clear results
add to manager
so far when doing this I did not get automatically measurments, to get
them i hit "measure" or "multi-measure" in the manager or then measure
in the analyze menu.
so I do not understand why by now I get this result table...
Senger Fabrice