analyze particles

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analyze particles

chaofang yue
Dear group:
  I am trying to use the Analyze--> analyze particles to count the number of
particles that are on a phase contrast microscopic image. I know roughly my
particle size, but it seems to me ImageJ requires a size range expressed in
"pixel^2". How could I relate the actual size of the particles to the
pixels. Thank you very much for any suggestions!  Chaofang
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Re: analyze particles

Justin McGrath
You could manually select and measure the area of several of the
particles.  If you do not set a scale, then the area will be in
pixel^2.  Then you can use the range of measurements as your limits.


On 8/30/07, chaofang yue <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear group:
>   I am trying to use the Analyze--> analyze particles to count the number of
> particles that are on a phase contrast microscopic image. I know roughly my
> particle size, but it seems to me ImageJ requires a size range expressed in
> "pixel^2". How could I relate the actual size of the particles to the
> pixels. Thank you very much for any suggestions!  Chaofang